Monthly Archives: December 2019

A very musical 2020!

Finally I’ve built a small batch of Striso boards, which are on sale now. The Striso board is an expressive MIDI controller which combines multidimensionally sensitive buttons with an innovative note layout.

Previously I worked on the original Striso with an internal synthesizer and speaker, but due to technical complexity I’ve chosen to focus on the development of the Striso board. The Striso board features the same keyboard and motion sensitivity as the original Striso, but needs to be connected to an external synthesizer and speaker. For the best experience a low latency MPE synthesizer is advised. For an optimal out-of-the-box playing experience I offer an Axoloti synthesizer as a package with the Striso board, in a matching wooden case and preloaded with some Striso optimized sounds.

Curious about sounds that can be produced by the Striso board? In this video you can watch me playing it. Furthermore watch the videos of Matthew Tyas and Leopold Solter.

To order your Striso board send a message to with your address and whether you want an Axoloti package or just the Striso board.

Update: This offer is no longer valid. A new version with an embedded synthesizer was launched on Kickstarter.

Striso time-out

The last couple of years my Striso time has been limited, as I’ve been busy setting up the ecological living community where I live now, and have become a dad in the meantime.

The last few months I’ve had time to work on a new batch of Striso boards, make a lot of improvements to the firmware, and update the website.